The main producer of petroleum jelly

producer of petroleum jelly

producer of petroleum jelly

As a moisturizing and healing product, petroleum jelly is one of the main ingredients of skin creams, pomades, and cosmetics, to name a few. Supplying petroleum jelly as the basic ingredient of such industries is not an easy and simple thing, let alone the quality and standard of the product. However, Navid Noor company, as the biggest producer of petroleum jelly in Iran, supplies the product in bulk and mass. Follow this article to get to know the Navid Noor company and its petroleum jelly.

Navid Noor company started its business in 1997, in Isfahan, Iran. Right after that, the company began exporting its products including petroleum jelly, foot’s oil, and paraffin wax alongside repairing and manufacturing regulators and gas meters. By having more than 22 years of remarkable experience in the oil and gas industry, the company has been successful in reaching its missions. The outnumbered satisfied customers of our company from different parts of the world affirm our claim.

word image 2383 1 The main producer of petroleum jelly

Bulk packing

Speaking of the facts, petroleum Jelly is a derivation of petroleum. The product characteristics are as follows:

  • semi-solid substance
  • translucent
  • melting point between 40 and 70 °C
  • colorless or pale yellow (when it is not highly distilled)
  • without smell and taste (when pure)
  • insoluble in water

The items mentioned above are just some of petroleum jelly’s features which describe the characteristics of this product.

How to store the petroleum jelly drums?

As the producer of petroleum jelly and an expert in the storage of such products; we believe that some tips are essential while storing petroleum jelly. Consider the following instructions and steps:

  1. Clean storage is the first thing needed. If keeping the quality of the product is important to you, do not store it in dirty storage. The condition of the storage could affect the quality of petroleum jelly.
  2. Keep the drums away from sunlight. Sunlight UV rays can affect the quality of the product and decrease its quality.
  3. Controlling ventilation and temperature is another important thing that should be considered. The best place for storing petroleum jelly is a cool place with reasonable ventilation.
  4. Mind the lids and seals of drums to keep the products safe from any pollutants and contaminants.
  5. Having pallets and platforms helps you to keep the products safe from dampness and moving the drums from one place to another would be easier.
  6. Inspect and check the storage regularly. You can inspect by having a checklist of issues such as drum leaking, rusting, or probable damages. fixing the problems and deficiencies are the prior issues in storing a product.
  7. Having a label is a necessary thing to do. As the producer of petrolatum, Navid Noor company has a precise and careful labeling system. By classifying the labels based on expiration date and type of product, you won’t face any problems in storing your products.

Doing the above-mentioned guidelines extends the storage time of the product and meanwhile keeps the quality of the product in its best form.

producer of petroleum jelly

Navid Noor company as the producer of petroleum jelly emphasizes the quality of the product. Different types of petroleum jelly are produced daily in this industry. But what makes Navid Noor company different from its rivals is the quality of the product. This is the reason for having more than 850 customers from different parts of the world. Petroleum jelly has various grades with different characteristics, NPJ722 and NPJ822 are two grades with special features suitable for the pharmaceutical industry. The company’s products are the basic ingredients of skin care products and the lotion industry, hair care products, eye creams, and pomades.

word image 2383 2 The main producer of petroleum jelly

Frequently used product


The company as the producer of soft paraffin has an effective role in this industry. We produce and export our petroleum jelly in 55 kg or 175 Kg drums made from new steel and with an inside plastic cover or without it as per the need of the customer. Also, the drums’ rings are sealed carefully and precisely based on the customer’s order. Considering the needs of the customer is the priority of the company and satisfying the customer is the main duty of all of our coworkers.

MalekianAuthor posts

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This is Kamran Malekian working in the petroleum jelly manufacturing industry for Navid Noor Company since 2013 I am eager to make content in this industry and have a good impact on professional users and people using cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

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